Soc. Geogr., 5, 39-48, 2010
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26 Nov 2010
Intercultural interaction and "situational places": a perspective for urban cultural geography within and beyond the performative turn
P. Dirksmeier and I. Helbrecht
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Geographisches Institut, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, Germany

Abstract. With the performative turn in social sciences and the humanities the concept of performance has arrived in human geography. Performance denotes an understanding of social actions and practices as constitutive for non-representational realities. This paper looks at the relationship between places and performance especially in urban geography and develops the new term "situational place" to grasp the increasing phenomenon of (intercultural) encounters in the cities of modern world society. "Situational places" are situated performances of these (intercultural) interactions between strangers in cities of the contemporary world society. With the aid of performance theory the influence of the omnipresent interactions between strangers in cities on urban space is conceptualized. Therewith, we hope to present some fruitful theoretical and empirical possibilities for a cultural urban geography within and beyond the performative turn.

Citation: Dirksmeier, P. and Helbrecht, I.: Intercultural interaction and "situational places": a perspective for urban cultural geography within and beyond the performative turn, Soc. Geogr., 5, 39-48, doi:10.5194/sg-5-39-2010, 2010.
Final revised paper
Discussion paper